Thursday, June 30, 2011

Helping your Business Grow the ExecuTech Way

ExecuTech Lease Group offers two leasing programs to meet your needs, all designed to maximize the benefits to your business while extending industry-leading solutions to your customers.
Dollar Buy-Out Option
The dollar buy-out option is unique to ExecuTech Lease group and offers merchants a lease-to-own option on their larger equipment leases.   This ranges from ATM’s and POS systems to office equipment and restaurant equipment.
Benefits include:
  • Convenient lease negotiations for the sales team
  • Product Ownership for the merchant
  • Differentiation from other sales teams and leasing programs that only offer Fair Market Value (FMV) leases in this market
Standard FMV Lease
ExecuTech Lease Group’s FMV purchase option is standard to the point-of-sale industry, and is used with a credit card processing swipe machine, check imaging or other small ticket equipment.  At the end of the lease, the merchant has three choices:
1. Return the equipment to ExecuTech Lease Group
2. Continue to rent the equipment
3. Purchase the equipment for “Fair Market Value”*
Benefits include:
  • Highest return to the sales organization
  • Possible tax benefits to the customer
  • The ability for the merchant to continue to use equipment while considering new options
* Within ExecuTech Lease Group’s lease document, fair market value is deemed to be not less than 20% of the aggregate lease payments on a 12-month lease, 15% of the aggregate payments on a 24-month lease, 12% of the aggregate payments on a 36-month lease and 10% of the aggregate payments on a 48- or 60-month lease.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

IT in Leasing

ExecuTech has already either made the changes or started making changes to keep ahead of the trend. Currently we are working on online applications, customer CRM tool, and e-signatures. If we think it will make your part in the leasing process easier, we are hard at work doing it.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Want to offer leasing?

Are you an equipment manufacture? Are you a re-seller or distributor of equipment in any way? did you come across or page looking for a leasing source to assist you with new equipment? Bottom line, do you currently, have you ever, or do you want to lease your top of the line equipment? If so…..
We Want To Work With You!!

Start your relationship with ExecuTech by clicking on the link below and completing the Vendor Profile.
Vendor Profile
Pick up the phone if you have any questions: (360)713-0695 and ask for Kyle.

Monday, June 27, 2011

What we can lease

We have vendors and new customers ask us what ExecuTech can lease for them. We wanted to post a list of already approved items for you and note that if you have equipment that is not on this list to submit it for approval!

Computers (please provide size of monitor with equipment description)
Cash Registers
Dental Equipment
Lab Equipment
Medical Equipment
Office Furniture
Fax Machines
Fitness and Exercise Equipment
Veterinarian Equipment
Microfiche Equipment
Office Equipment
Restaurant Equipment
ABC Mobile Pay

If you specialize in any of these areas, we can assist you. Again, if you have equipment that is not on this list get with us and let’s get your equipment approved for leasing. (360)713-0695

Friday, June 24, 2011

Banks are denying the majority (60%) of loan applications

According to a recent study from Pepperdine University, banks are denying the majority (60%) of loan applications, and 71% of business owners report not turning to friends and family after being denied a bank loan. So far this month we have approved 71% of the deals submitted. The others were denied due to collection accounts and poor credit. If you need equipment, look to ExecuTech! (360)713-0695

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Leasing up 10 percent from April and 30 percent from a year ago

The article (click on the link below) states: One measure of the economy’s recovery is the willingness of businesses to invest, and when measured by equipment leasing activity, the numbers are positive

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Small Business Funding

Entrepreneur ran an article today about small business funding and options business have. It was a good read that also discussed leasing as a valuable option in acquiring both locations and equipment. Have a read for yourself:


Monday, June 20, 2011

Join our team

ExecuTech is actively seeking vendors, re-sellers, manufactures and distributors to add to our Preferred Vendor Program. Contact us today if you are looking for a personal leasing partner who has your company and your customer’s best interest in mind. We are eager to answer your questions. (360)713-0695

Friday, June 17, 2011

Smaller banks are struggling to provide the capital needed for small business

While smaller banks are struggling to provide the capital needed for small business owners, ExecuTech is still moving forward by approving more leases on a daily basis and venturing into new equipment industries. If you are looking to grow your business, need equipment to do so, and the banks are telling you no, contact ExecuTech today and let us help. (360)713-0695

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Know Who You Are Working With

When you are looking to lease with a company or offer leasing through a company. make sure you take the time to get to know who you are working with. With ExecuTech our goal is to offer executive class service every step of the leasing process. Contact us today and see why you should make the ExecuTech decision. (360)713-0695

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Leasing, an attractive alternative

"Advances in medical technology offer many advantages to today's physicians, but equipment is evolving so rapidly that practitioners need to think twice before purchasing it outright. Leasing presents an attractive alternative, but only to those who fully understand both its potential benefits and risks and then leverage that understanding during an informed and productive negotiation, writes Raymond W. Dusch, a partner in the New York City office of LeClairRyan, in an article in the May 25, 2011 edition of Medical Economics, titled, "Leasing Office Equipment Offers Advantages Over Purchasing (Beware of the Fine Print).""

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

One Stop Shop Leasing

New businesses open every day. With those openings come costs for equipment, furniture, and labor. ExecuTech is here to help you offer your customers a true one stop shop experience. With the equipment ExecuTech is approving on a daily basis, you could go into a business and offer them all of their equipment for one monthly payment. Think about a restaurant, credit card terminals, POS system, refrigerators, furniture, ovens, ranges, and Ice chests. You name it, we can get it leased for you. Call today and find out how we can help you to become a one stop shop company.


Monday, June 13, 2011


We receive an abundance of emails asking questions about ExecuTech Lease Group and our process and Procedure. We love all of the questions and conversations that have come from this correspondence. In order to assist you with a quick way to get your answer, we created the following FAQ's document. If you find that your question is not answered, call us (360)713-0695

Friday, June 10, 2011

Computers and Network Equipment

I went to lunch today with a predominant business owner and community leader. We were discussing what each other had been doing over the last year business wise. He spoke of his new companies, ones he had been working with to help improve, and his wife and kids. As soon as I started to say that I was in equipment leasing, he jumped right into tell me a story about a company that he just helped to cut half of the monthly computer and network expenses. I felt that this was just the story to share today, because this is exactly what ExecuTech is trying to do for companies.

This company he spoke about had a server room with outdated equipment, and some 60 PC's throughout the office and on an average spent $3000.00 a month maintaining all their equipment. He started to tell me how when he came in to this company he couldn’t believe that they were spending this kind of money to keep their equipment running and confused started to ask. The IT people told him the company didn’t have the capital to invest in a new equipment overhaul, they didn’t have the business credit from the last two years to finance through the bank, so, instead, they would pay out monthly to replace a hard drive here, a monitor there, or a keyboard mouse combo.

It took one phone call to figure out a resolution. He contacted a computer company that specialized in PC's, servers, networking, and more. The company came and did an onsite inspection, wrote up a bid, and rather than stating "your price is going to be X" their invoice showed, Total Price: $X Lease Price: $1,500.00mo.
With this invoice in his hands it was not too hard to have approved by the company. Within a month all 60 PC's were replaced. All new servers and networking equipment was installed and the company now only has a monthly expense of $1,500.00.

Leasing can be used to help your company in the same way. Whether your company is the one purchasing or selling, offering customers who want to invest in their business options to purchase made this sale. Having the option to lease, rather than finance or purchase outright, assisted this company in cutting their costs.

If you are curious about leasing, contact me today (360) 713-0695

Thursday, June 9, 2011

To our readers

Thank you to all of you who have started to follow our facebook page. We appreciate the following. Make sure to take a minute and share our page with your friends. Our company can offer leasing services to all types of industries from construction to restaurant's. For more information on the equipment we can lease call us today (360)713-0695. Thank you again.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

From Hawaii to Maine

Whether choosing to become a leasing partner with ExecuTech or simply using ExecuTech as a leasing company for your equipment acquisition, make sure to look at a leasing company that can work where you do business. A lot of other leasing companies out there are only able to lease in their state or surrounding states. With ExecuTech, rest assured that you can do business anywhere you want, from Hawaii to Maine.

Call Today: (360)713-0695

Monday, June 6, 2011

We Want You

Are you an equipment manufacture? Are you a re-seller or distributor of equipment in any way? did you come across or page looking for a leasing source to assist you with new equipment? Bottom line, do you currently, have you ever, or do you want to lease your top of the line equipment? If so.....

We Want To Work With You!!

Start your relationship with ExecuTech by clicking on the link below and completing the Vendor Profile.

Vendor Profile

Pick up the phone if you have any questions: (360)713-0695 and ask for Kyle.

Friday, June 3, 2011

New Equipment Leasing

ExecuTech has been working to approve new equipment in different industries and welcomes any new business or idea's you may have. If you company is looking to offer a leasing option with either a $1.00 buyout or fair market value buyout at lease end, ExecuTech is the company to get it done for you.

With quick response times, professional service from start to finish, and extremely competitive leasing options, ExecuTech is your number one choice for equipment leasing.

Call today and find out more about our current programs and our new Vendor Referral program.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

$15,000 purchase turned into $1.59hr (based on 8 hour work day)

Leasing helps you keep your working capital available. Say you are looking to upgrade or purchase new equipment for your business. The cost of the equipment is $15,000.00.

1 ) Equipment Cost: $15,000.00
2 ) Monthly Lease Payment Equipment Cost:  $375.00
3 ) Annual Gross Cost ($357.00 x 12mo): $5,625.00
4 ) Tax Deduction (Estimated 40% of Annual Gross Cost):  $2,250
5 ) Net Annual Cost (Annual Gross Cost minus Tax Deductable Amount):  $3375.00
6 ) Net Cost per Month (Net Annual divided by 12):  $281.25
7 ) Net Cost Per Day (Net Cost Per Month divided by 22*):  $12.78
8 ) Net Cost Per Hour (Net Cost Per Day divided by 8**):  $1.59
*22 is average business days in a month (you can adjust for your schedule)
**8 hours, based on the average business schedule

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

American Pizza Chain Looks to Leasing to Help Grow and Service their Locatoins

This newer pizza chain offers leasing options for its equipment to help new and old locations purchase the equipment they need to operate their business. This model has helped the chain grow from 100 stores to 241 with another 75 in the Pipeline. Leasing is the best option and if you currently are not offering this or have not been offered, look to ExecuTech to help you out. (360)713-0695

[Read the story here]